Sunday, October 4, 2015

Photo Collage

This was the practise to see if I could get the curve and achieve the white border.

This is a collage I created by using another technique using the lasso tool and taking a part of a photo and incorporating the photos into a collage - I love this technique and it makes such a great page. This page also used another technique where I had to create a curve and then adding another paper overtop allowed me to make a small curve to separate the two papers

Fun Times With Nana

Digital Designers – Color Inspiration:

Paper kit #38 – paper 1 & 2

Word Art – Quote Inspiration - #070712

Parts of photos that I removed using the Lasso Tool and using the eraser tool then choosing a naturals brush to give the photo edges a more blended/feathered edge, I then adding them onto my page and possitioned them where I thought they looked best.

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