Friday, October 9, 2015

Another Page Complete - Never Too Young

October 9th:

Another done feeling pretty happy actually as this one almost completes 2008 - hahahaha. I counted up the other day the years I have to do and I have done nothing for 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015 so I now have to focus on getting these done I try to do at least 12pages per year, so getting there slowly. I want to make sure that I have pages with Rory and his dad not just mum, and the next few years I want to ensure that there are pages with his grandparents - one of my friends said the other day I need to continue with this until he is 18yrs old as this is now the start of adult hood!!!!!!!!!!!! heavens that's still alot of years hahahaaa. I used the blending mode in the layers pallet on this one blending the checker plate paper and a teal blue one together with changing the opacity so the color shows through the checker plate.


Ginger Snaps: - Man Oh Kit

Checkplate Paper #12
Journal Stamp

Raspberry Road: - Easy Rider


Digital Designers: - KPertiet

Teal Paper #42

Font: - Trajan Pro – size 36pt

1 comment:

scrappin' girl said...

your layouts of a young Rory are terrific Chris xx